Power to Our Communities – How do we support young people who are organising for the futures they deserve?
Political interest amongst 16–34 year olds is at a 14 year high and shows no signs of dissipating. Who can …

Power To Our Communities – How can we truly listen to, nurture and collaborate with citizen imaginations?
At any one point in time millions of people in local communities across the UK are all imagining a future …

Power To Our Communities – What becomes possible when we recognise the prolific volunteering happening in communities?
Volunteering truly is the heartbeat of kindness and compassion and that heart is beating soundly in the UK. According to …

Groop Conference 2019 New Approaches to Volunteering – Disrupt Innovate Change
New Approaches to Volunteering Disrupt Innovate Change Groop Conference – November 21st 2019 Groop has a vision that everyone belongs, …

Making the Most of your Volunteers
How should you manage your volunteers in a way that maximises their impact with your organisation and makes them want …

The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The idea that corporations should respect human rights and the environment has been around for a long time. Over the …

6 Steps to Successfully Recruit Volunteers for your Nonprofit Organisation
The first recorded use of the word ‘volunteering’ was in 1630. Even then, organisations would have needed a volunteer recruitment …

The Benefits of Youth Volunteering
Volunteering for young people Studies show that young people are looking for more than a big pay check from their …

How to Run a Fundraising Event
Everyday, all over the country, organisations like yours are holding successful fundraising events. They are a great way to raise …

How to Increase Volunteer Participation
Helpers/volunteers are a vital part of most charitable, voluntary and sporting organisations. At a recent event held by Groop, we …