Online Safeguarding Checks
Groop have partnered with uCheck to provide you with a great online HR screening solution

Who is uCheck?
uCheck is a well-established and trusted DBS umbrella body that offers a range of vetting and screening solution to more than 18,500 employers in the UK.
uCheck’s platform is user friendly, providing an online solution to ensure DBS screening is easy for all.
Enter the applicant’s details just once, select which particular checks you need and get quick results. No more endless waiting, no more having to use different systems for different checks and no need to travel long distances to get it done.
uCheck also offer Basic Disclosures, Right to Work, DVLA, Adverse Credit and ID Checks.

What does it cost?
DBS Enhanced £50.40
Standard £33.40
Volunteer DBS £10.40*
Meet your legal requirements and request an Enhanced or Standard DBS check through our online portal. Enhanced checks with results typically issued in under 48 hours, allowing you to make a quicker and safer recruitment decision.
Disclosure and Barring Service Basic Check £33.40
Make a more informed recruitment decision by requesting a basic criminal record check on your candidate. Receive details of any unspent convictions, on average, within 3-10 working days.
Disclosure Scotland Basic Check is £35.00
Meet your legal requirements and request an Enhanced or Standard DBS check through our online portal. Enhanced checks with results typically issued in under 48 hours, allowing you to make a quicker and safer recruitment decision.
DVLA Check £8.00
Ensure your drivers are not leaving your company liable by completing a DVLA check using our online service. Receive details of license validity, expiry and any offences within minutes.
Adverse Credit History £6.00
With results produced in a matter of seconds, you can be more informed about those who have access to cash and valuables. Request this check and receive details of your employees’ adverse credit such as, bankruptcies, CCJs or IVAs.
Identity Check £6.00
Safeguard your business from fraud by confirming your employees’ identities. Checks against the electoral roll, credit referencing agencies and telephone database will be made to certify their identity with results issued in minutes.
Right to Work Check £10
Employers can be liable for up to £20,000 for every illegal worker they hire. Ensure your employees have the right to work in the UK in just a matter of minutes using our online audit and validator facility.
*The DBS doesn’t charge a fee on volunteers, but organisations will have to pay a small administration fee if they use an umbrella body.
How it works

Once you fill in the registration form, our uCheck account manager will then be in touch to take the registration fee and send you your login information.
All screening checks are completed by uCheck through the uCheck platform. In no event will Groop be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of the uCheck platform.
If you’re responsible for recruiting volunteers within your organisation, or if you’re a volunteer yourself, you may be wondering about how and when to get DBS checks for volunteers.
Not all volunteers are eligible for DBS checks, so it’s important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding them before attempting to apply for one. At uCheck, we’re experts in all things DBS.
Before we go any further, we need to establish the definition of a volunteer for DBS checking purposes.
The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) Regulations 2002 defines a volunteer as ‘any individual engaged in an activity which involves spending time, unpaid (except for travel and other approved out of pocket expenses), doing something which aims to benefit some third party and not a close relative’.
To undergo a DBS check, a volunteer must also satisfy the eligibility requirements for a standard or enhanced DBS check. Put simply, this means their volunteer role must involve working with children or vulnerable adults in a regulated activity.
In some cases, an individual may be undertaking unpaid work but will not be classed as a volunteer for DBS purposes. Individuals are not classed as volunteers if:
They’re on a work placement.
They’re required to undertake the volunteer role as part of a course.
They’re in a trainee position that will lead to a qualification or full-time work.
In these cases, the individual will not be eligible for a DBS check.
Volunteers cannot apply for DBS checks themselves – this must be done by the organisation they’re volunteering for.
To apply for DBS checks on behalf of their volunteers, organisations can either register with the DBS or engage the services of an umbrella body like uCheck.
The DBS doesn’t charge a fee for checks on volunteers, but organisations will have to pay a small administration fee if they use an umbrella body.
The organisation will provide the applicant with an application form. The applicant must fill this in and return it with several forms of identification.
When the check is complete, the DBS will issue a certificate to the applicant detailing the results of the check. At uCheck, we typically complete DBS checks within 48 hours.
To be eligible for a DBS check, a volunteer must be undertaking unpaid work for the benefit of an unrelated third party, with no intent to gain anything in return. They must also be working in a regulated activity with children or vulnerable adults.
If you want to know more about DBS checks for volunteers, please do get in touch with uCheck to discuss the subject in more detail.