What difference does your group make? Can you quantify that difference?
It can be difficult to answer these questions accurately, so assumptions are often made rather than using live data as proof. You might be required to deliver reports to funders, stakeholders, supporting organisations or even to review your impact against your own visions and goals.
Groop enables you to show the difference you make to the people you are trying to help, or to the issue you are trying to improve.
How can you report and review your impact?
The reporting itself is only as strong as the information recorded. It is important to consider from an early stage which outcomes you want to measure and ensure you are collecting the necessary data.
Groop provides you with a flexible tagging facility, which enables a simple way to collate data based around individual targets and outcomes or wider event-based tracking.
Let’s say you are applying for funding from a sponsor to encourage a healthier diet – whilst you were creating sessions, you created an outcome tag to label them with ‘Healthy Eating’. Within seconds you can have a report detailing those sessions within a specific time period, displaying the number of attendees who have been directly impacted by your hard work.
Maybe you would like to motivate your staff and volunteers by celebrating their achievements.
Simply store the staff achievement within the Target Achieved tag.
A Case Study
Speaking recently to one organisation, they received concerns from their participants that the clubs were lacking in diversity. The organisation did not have a definitive answer to this. They had no way to monitor the data and report on any changes, and they had no centralised communication tool between their staff to ensure that guidelines and policies are followed.
Now that they have taken on the Groop platform, they can utilise the hierarchal structure to create the outcome tags they require, which is then automatically pushed down to each individual club. They can then notify the staff about a change in procedure and monitor the live data for trends.
This simple workflow has now enabled them to broaden their impact to areas they were not reaching, bringing their vision to hundreds of participants who were previously off the radar.
We understand there is no one size fits all solution. Everyone needs different targets and outcomes to report on, and this is why the system is designed in such a way that you can define your own.
Remember – your impact, no matter how it is measured, makes a positive difference to people’s lives.
Is there any better report than that?