Our latest data from our clubs, groups and projects show that 96% of the 34,000 members (attendees) are young people under the age of 25, peaking at the age of 13-15 years old. In addition, we know the busiest clubs are those with young members in the highest areas of deprivation – showing a great need for youth provision – no surprise to most of you I suspect.
I have had a couple of people ask me to define what ‘supporting nearly 30,000 sessions’ means, so I will clarify here. A ‘session’ in Groop language is an activity, a club night, an event for example – and it can be a one-off event or a community club night running 5 nights a week. It’s counted as a session when members are registered and their attendance recorded for that particular time slot (session). We can’t yet record all the other multiple thousands of times club leaders and volunteers or staff log in just to retrieve information, check policies or information in the library, use the shared club leader calendar, run multiple reports on club, member, or volunteer data or load the club cloud with their documentation. However, our next release will enable us to track much more!
Finally, I just wanted to say that the voluntary world is shifting; there is an acceptance that we can’t get everything for free anymore and we need to use technology and subscription services. That’s why we created Groop and have spent 4 years validating what we do. We want to be able to provide you with subscriber identity, demographics data, behaviour data and user metrics to help you run and grow your organisations and clubs.