Groop Software Updates
Our users help to shape and develop Groop.
We listen to your feedback and use it to constantly improve our platform for the benefit of everyone.
Bug Fixes
- The ability to resend an invoice has been fixed
New Features
- Event Evaluations can now be viewed in full in a popup when they overrun the cell in the Events table
New Features
- The “Groops” selector on the People list now remembers selections, it now behaves in the same way the column choice is remembered
- All Sub Groop Reports now contain a column with information about the Groop’s parent
Bug Fixes
- The Groop Details form displays correctly even when a user is not able to edit it
New Features:
- Events through a hierarchy – Users from sub-Groops can now be invited to events
- Details of a user’s Groops have been moved to a popup instead of a table expansion
Bug Fixes
- The “Confidential” toggle no longer interferes with Custom Field drop downs when adding an Interaction
- Users can now access Groop Details correctly when logged in as a dependant
New Features:
- Added 3DSecure Authentication support to GroopPay
New Features:
- Added more options to the Disabilities menu
New Features:
- People can now be filtered by interaction information
New Features:
- A report is now available to download all interactions against people records
New Features:
- Past payments can now be edited from a person’s GroopPay History page
Bugs Fixed:
- Registration information can now be entered correctly
- People can now be filtered by Faith and Ethnicity
New Features:
- All-day events can now be created
New Features:
- GroopPay transaction records can now be manually recorded against a user without the need to generate an invoice/donation request
New Features:
- The All Sub Groop Details report and Groop List now includes the date the group was last updated
New Features:
- Invoices and Donation Requests can now be sent to people in lower groups
- Custom fields can now be added to Invoices and Donation Requests
New Features:
- Custom fields can now be created and completed for Interactions/Notes
New Features:
- Selected users can now be notified when people sign up through a registration link
Bugs Fixed:
- The Groop logo now appears correctly on notification emails
New Features:
- The “Gender” select now has more options
Bug Fixes:
- The Notification count is now described correctly by screen readers
- The Language Picker is now described correctly by screen readers
- Password inputs are now described correctly by screen readers
- Hyperlinks are now described correctly by screen readers
- On/Off Toggles are now described correctly by screen readers
- Buttons which are labelled only with an icon are now described correctly by screen readers
- Hover Text (e.g. on the Dashboard) is now described correctly by screen readers
- Some colours have been tweaked to improve contrast ratios and readability
- Custom field sets are no longer cached when changing between Groops
- Existing events can now be made recurring
- Fixed the link in the green help text about inviting users
- GroopPay receipts are now sent correctly
- The confirmation popup now displays correctly when paying through GroopPay
- Deleted GroopPay invoices are now hidden on the GroopPay Transactions report
- Inactive guardians now receive receipts for their dependants
- The Admin role can no longer be edited
- In new groups, the default “Member” role is now called “User”
- Only users with the Admin role can create/edit roles
- Users can no longer change their own role
- Only users with the new “Assign Role” permission can change a user’s roles
- Only users with the Admin role can assign the Admin role to other users
New Features:
- Notes/Interactions can now be viewed across sub Groops
Bugs Fixed:
- Users can now see confidential Interactions/Notes that they themselves have created
New Features:
- A record of case notes and interactions can be created for each user. These notes are immutable and can be flagged as confidential to restrict who sees them.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue which prevented some users from attaching images in the Android mobile app (requires updating the app on the device)
New Features:
- The nav bar has been given an overhaul, making it more compact and friendlier
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an error that prevented users from completing certain fields through Submit Sections
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue which prevented users from being copied to another group
Bugs Fixed:
- The People Information reports now correctly include disability and travel method information
New Features:
- Added the “All Groops” report which allows administrators to see details of all the Groops in their hierarchy
- People can now be filtered by Disabilities
- People can now be filtered by Travel Method
Bugs Fixed:
- Custom Field Description text is now shown with the correct line breaks
New Features:
- Users can now enter full addresses for Event Locations, in addition to the description box
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where deleted invoices were still showing up in My GroopPay
- Prevented invoices that have been paid from being deleted
New Features:
- Added the Organisation GroopPay Transactions report. This allows admins to see all transactions across their hierarchy
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed incorrect headings in GroopPay on the mobile app.
New Features:
- The Sub Groop Event Attendance report now includes all event details and custom fields
Bugs Fixed:
- Resolved an issue where certain invoices would not display correctly in My GroopPay
Bugs Fixed:
- The Paid/Due message on Events in My Events now displays the correct state for all users
- Dropdown menus can only be cleared where appropriate
- The Event Recurrence panel is now correctly hidden in the Event Overview panel
New Features:
- You can now create a recurring event. This creates a finite number of copies of the event into the future, using the same flexible model we use for recurring payments, and replaces the old “Repeat Event” buttons
Bugs Fixed:
- Sub Group Reports now obey date selections correctly
- Changed the wording on the Create Payment button
Bugs Fixed:
- When exporting a CSV from the Events table, the registration count is now included
- The list of fields in Submit Sections now matches the list of fields in the Person edit form
- Users without permission to archive Events can now edit events correctly
- When filtering People by address, the column names now display the correct text
New Features:
- People making payments through GroopPay can now record if they’re paying on behalf of someone else
- When viewing an invoice associated with an event, there is now a link to view the event
- There is now a disclaimer when publishing an event through OpenActive
Bugs Fixed:
- Donations can now be saved as drafts
- Hidden fields are now correctly excluded from Submit Sections
- Individual recurring payments are now linked back to the original request correctly
Bugs Fixed:
- The link between guardians and dependants is now removed correctly when the guardian is archived
- Invoices are now issued correctly to new event invitees
- The “Event requires a payment” toggle now loads in the correct position
- Drop down fields can now be cleared instead of requiring an option be selected
New Features:
- Events can now be archived (and restored)
New Features:
- All GroopChat notifications now include the group name
Bugs Fixed:
- The “Total Sub Groops” button on the Dashboard is no longer a link if the Group cannot create Sub Groups
New Features:
- A user’s payment history is now shown in a new tab on their record
- Users now receive an email receipt when they make a payment
Bugs Fixed:
- Filters on custom multi select fields now load options correctly
- Custom Field filters can now be applied to people across multiple Groops
- Copied users now have the correct inactive status applied to them
New Features:
- Added the ability to copy a user between groups
- Updated our placeholder text style to be more readable
New Features:
- Users can now see an Event attendee’s Role in the Registration and RSVP tables
- The Sub Group People Information Report now respects any data sharing controls, allowing more detailed reports
Bugs Fixed:
- Cancelled recipients are now correctly counted in GroopPay Admin
- The Notification counter now updates automatically
- Doctors Addresses are now handled correctly in Submit Sections
- Primary Addresses are now displayed correctly in the pop-up View
New Features:
- Added OpenActive API endpoint and options for publishing public events
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where BCC users were receiving invites to the wrong groups
- Fixed an issue where the BCC data export was not including some changes
New Features:
- The Sub Groop Event Attendance report now includes event dates
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where the creator of a role wasn’t able to edit it
Bugs Fixed:
- “…is not” and “…not contains” filters on custom fields now include records with no value set
- GroopLive settings are now correctly inherited between Groops
New Features:
- Added more columns to the GroopPay report and an option to include unpaid invoices
New Features:
- Inherited resources folders that are empty are now hidden, simplifying the resources view in large hierarchies
- The Event Invite list is now limited to active users only
Bugs Fixed:
- The Admin Count column in the Groops table now displays the correct numbers
New Features:
- Added new sortable/filterable address fields
Bugs Fixed:
- Notifications should now be sent correctly when posts are liked/commented on
New Features:
- Sections and Fields on the People form can now be configured by us to be hidden on a Groop-by-Groop basis. This allows Groops to hide features they don’t use, or e.g. if they want to use a different list of Ethnicities they’ve configured through Custom Fields
Bugs Fixed:
- The Event Evaluated By filters now behave correctly
New Features:
- Auxiliary tables (e.g. Guardians, Event Invites etc.) now remember column and sorting choices
- Removed the “Invite User” box from Groop Settings as nobody uses it
- Changed the name of the “State” column on the People table to “Account Access” to be less confusing
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where, in certain circumstances, administrators in sub-Groops were able to edit inherited Roles
New Features:
- Administrators can now view more information about users directly from the Event Registration table
- Added a new report on invitees to events
Bugs Fixed:
- The type of a custom field can no longer be changed after its creation, putting the system in an unstable state
New Features:
- Added an Alternate Email field to the Person form. This allows other email address (including shared email addresses) to be recorded for a user, in addition to the one they use to log in
Bugs Fixed:
- Cleaned up the list of available columns on the People table as some internal fields are not relevant to users
New Features:
- Invoices can now be made to recur on a set schedule – by day, week, month and year and combinations thereof
Bugs Fixed:
- The Event Registration report now filters correctly by role
- Sub Groop reports now return the correct data
- Event Custom Fields now appear in the correct order
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where a particular configuration of Labels would prevent sub-Groops from being created
- The number of Labels in a category now displays correctly for Groops with sub-Groops
Bugs Fixed:
- Users without the “View Role” permission but with “Create User” can now create users correctly
- Names of users now display correctly in the Event Registrations list
Bugs Fixed:
- Names in the Event Registration list now display correctly
- The Sub-Groop Attendance Report now runs correctly
New Features:
- Event organisers can now upload documents for attendees to their events
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where people without disabilities would, in certain circumstances, break the People list
- The scroll bar no longer gets in the way of the “+” button when adding Labels on Mac
- Editing Invoice state should now function correctly
- Custom Field privacy settings should now be inherited correctly when creating a new sub-Groop
New Features:
- Added due dates for Invoices/Donation Requests
- Added more options to the Disability dropdown and a new text field for capturing much more detailed information about a person’s disability
New Features:
- Added offline report processing. This means that reports are no longer produced while the user waits, meaning they have to stop using the site, if there’s a lot of data to process. Instead, they can start them off, carry on working, and a link to the report is emailed to them when it’s ready
- Added a list of recently-run reports for quick download to the Reports page
- Added a new Report containing all transactions processed through GroopPay over a given time period
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed an issue where adding a user’s email address would erroneously give an “Email address already in use” message
New Feature:
- Added the ability to register for events that you have been invited to if the event has this feature enabled
- Adds Markdown rendering and URL auto-linking in event descriptions and locations
New Feature:
- Adds auto linking for urls in events description and location. Also includes rendering of markdown . ie **bold** *italic* # Heading
Bugs Fixed:
- Select and multi select custom field options can now be changed without loosing any data
- Fixed bugs surrounding currency fields in payments
- Fixed bug preventing cvs’s being imported with custom fields