Community Management - build one-to-many connections with your groups
Empower your Community Management and Charity groups to support, manage and achieve.
By providing Groop you can achieve governance and safeguarding standards. Our hierarchical structure brings added value by enabling insight reporting across all levels of your independently run groups.
Support them in their day to day management with the tools they need so they can focus on what is important running their groups, teams, clubs and impacting the lives of their members.

Here are some examples of how the Community Management Sector is using Groop
Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)
Our clients use Groop to help their groups run and manage a flexible but consistent service. From arts to youth clubs – ensure they can collect and report on the data they need, while ensuring that personal identifying information remains anonymous.
Groop is adaptable, the data you need is recorded by your groups in a way that works for both them and you. Groop makes it easy to make a difference and review practices and services.
Get the insight you need by supporting your CVS groups to:
- Record consistent data
- Distribute documentation from one place
- Message all your group leaders/organisers
- Adapt the platform to meet your needs – roles, labels, fields
- Share statistical data whilst keeping personal data in the group
- Gain insight and overview without waiting for reports and feedback
All the data will be recorded according to your requirements, across your network – bringing the much needed statistical outputs that shape your communities without the need to spend time reviewing reports and correcting inconsistencies. For example, you can see how many events have been run against the ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’ or export the average attendance for 14 year olds in a specific geographical location.

Membership Organisations
Membership Organisations adapt Groop to the needs of their network and support any number of groups with specific demographic or data requirementsacross different geographical regions. A uniformed group may need to record clothing and shoe sizes, collect money for excursions and trips whereas a youth membership organisation may need to record age groups and next of kin information.
The important part is that the you can customise the database to record the information you need, create drop downs or open fields to garner the data required and set up a network structure to suit your needs – by geographical region, town, group type etc. This information can in turn be labelled, filtered and reported on to evidence, track and report on the work that you do and the outcomes you achieve.
Events can be set up by each individual group or you can run an organisation wide event like a national campaign or an AGM.
Groop provides network wide communication, share your policies and procedures ensuring every club in every location is run according to your membership rules and regulations. Create a safe, secure and consistent approach resulting in happy beneficiaries.
Youth Clubs
Using Groop to manage your Youth Clubs enables a shared environment to deliver information between all your staff and volunteers. Keep your members informed, communicate with parents and guardians all in one place.
Your staff and volunteers have a structured platform to plan and evidence their interactions, sessions and activities. With an account per group, they have a secure place for their personal and sensitive data and you can gain insight and evidence impact on an individual group or across your entire region.
Record your staff and volunteers DBS and any training certificates they may need for their role, ensuring you meet safeguarding standards. Manage your summer activities programme to evidence the impact and track your outcomes.

Sports Groups
Running a sports group, from an individual group to a National Governing Body (NGB), requires a clear line of communication and a great deal of organisation.
Make sure your off field management is at the top if it’s game – record your staff and coaches qualifications and DBS details, allocate them to the right match or session and check the availability of your players and members.
Collect your annual membership fees or weekly subscriptions safely through GroopPay, no more coin collecting on the edge of the pitch!
Communicate with your team on a club level or over your whole network. Plan and run training sessions, tournaments and other events, ensure everyone knows where they need to be and what to bring by sharing maps, event information and required equipment.
Using Groop, you can provide a system to keep your members safe, record the information you need and adapt it to suit your sport.
Accessible anywhere – our clients run their Groop from the riverside, the football pitch and everywhere in between!
Our Charities use Groop to support the range of groups that support their work, from shops and lunch clubs to donator and beneficiary details.
Using Groop’s ability to record the data you need, from sensitive and personal data to staff and volunteer’s skills and qualifications, in a centralised database ensures that your data is consistent, secure and specific to your charity.
Communicate across your whole structure or message the individuals you need to reach from within the platform – keeping a record, ensuring messages are clear and traceable and being able to share important documents in one place. – no more WhatsApp, messaging or emails!
Evidence your charities impact by evidencing the work you do, show your funders real time information about the events/sessions you run, the beneficiaries you have supported and the impact on their lives.
API your databases to the Groop database to ensure your systems talk – align the rota system, link to internal databases and more!